We're Hunting For Bugs

 We’re hunting for bugs

We’re hunting for bugs that are slimy and small

We’re hunting for bugs that are skinny and tall

Bugs that are sluggish and squishy and slow

Bugs that are busy with places to go

Bugs that have shells and bugs that have wings

and bugs that are living in soft, mushy things

We’ll use Nana’s lunchbox.  She’s sure not to mind

something to carry the bugs that we find

We look under rocks and dig in the ground

If something moves we make squealing sounds!

Then we all yell with a racket and roar

“There’s one, no, there’s two!  There are insects galore!”

All in a flurry we hurry to catch

scattering, chattering beetles and ants!

They duck and they dive, they hop and they fly

finding escape in the ground and the sky

But we’re the best bug hunters you’ll ever see

and we capture the bugs, on the ground and the trees

Nana’s lunchbox is full to the brim

of slugs and big bugs so with rascally grins

We proudly march into the kitchen where sitting 

Nana is cheerily doing her knitting

And as she sips on a warm cup of tea

We ask, “Nana dearest, would you like to see?”

She says, “What a treat! Garden treasure for me?”

And before we can stop her, our Nan starts to eat

the bugs that she thinks are a sweet garden treat!

She sits and she chews, slowly closing her eyes

Do we confess or give Nan a surprise?

“My darlings! Such tasty delectable finds!

Heavenly morsels, quite truly divine!”

“But where are my manners?  There’s plenty to spare!

Have a small, nibbly bite. I’d be happy to share!”


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